Get A Paginated List Of All Suppliers


Paginated Response

Objects are returned in pages of 100 items. Pass the page=X query parameter, where X is the page number, to retrieve each page of the request result. Using page=1 will retrieve the first page of the result.

Suppliers can be listed with a GET operation through the Suppliers endpoint: /counterparties/suppliers.

Example Response

    "count": 2,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "id": "57cf3cbc-655d-4b41-9764-d0feababf7bc",
            "name": "MyAPISupplier",
            "care_of": "DEV",
            "remit_address_1": "123 Street Address",
            "remit_address_2": "",
            "remit_city": "Atlanta",
            "remit_state": "GA",
            "remit_zipcode": "30339",
            "remit_country": "USA",
            "corporate_address_1": "123 Street Address",
            "corporate_address_2": "",
            "corporate_city": "Atlanta",
            "corporate_state": "",
            "corporate_zipcode": "",
            "corporate_country": "USA",
            "corporate_phone_number": "03012314561",
            "external_reference_id": "03012314561",
            "tax_id": "123-12-1234",
            "contacts": [
                    "payment_notification": false,
                    "id": "32a8c548-e645-4a69-99a2-b557463f8f2d",
                    "external_reference_id": "239200585p",
                    "name": "Dev contact",
                    "email": "",
                    "phone": "0301234567",
                    "primary": false
            "remit_email": "",
            "bank_account_number": null,
            "bank_routing_number": null,
            "payment_method": "Card",
            "delivery_method": "Email",
            "notification_method": null,
            "created": "2024-04-24T16:56:55.241000",
            "updated": "2024-04-24T16:56:55.241000",
            "payment_terms": 45,
            "ineligible_for_conversion": false,
            "payee_type": "Business",
            "twelve_month_payment_count": 10,
            "twelve_month_spend": 10000,
            "notes": "test",
            "metadata": null,
            "enabled": true,
            "processing_fee": 0,
            "internal_payments": false
            "id": "689cedfc-6711-4020-ba69-91fa2c1f614c",
            "name": "Dev Supplier 1X",
            "care_of": null,
            "remit_address_1": "Dev address 1",
            "remit_address_2": "",
            "remit_city": "Dev city",
            "remit_state": "IL",
            "remit_zipcode": "01111",
            "remit_country": "USA",
            "corporate_address_1": "Dev address 1",
            "corporate_address_2": "",
            "corporate_city": "Dev city",
            "corporate_state": "IL",
            "corporate_zipcode": "01111",
            "corporate_country": "USA",
            "corporate_phone_number": "",
            "external_reference_id": "UPDATED ID DEV",
            "tax_id": "",
            "contacts": [
                    "payment_notification": false,
                    "id": null,
                    "external_reference_id": null,
                    "name": "Dev Contact",
                    "email": "",
                    "phone": "000111110",
                    "primary": true
            "remit_email": "",
            "bank_account_number": null,
            "bank_routing_number": null,
            "payment_method": "Check",
            "delivery_method": "Mail",
            "notification_method": null,
            "created": "2024-04-24T16:09:05.030000",
            "updated": "2024-04-24T16:13:34.909000",
            "payment_terms": 10,
            "ineligible_for_conversion": false,
            "payee_type": null,
            "twelve_month_payment_count": null,
            "twelve_month_spend": null,
            "notes": null,
            "metadata": null,
            "enabled": true,
            "processing_fee": 0,
            "internal_payments": false
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!